A closer look at Tekion’s focus on redefined industry connectivity and the benefits to Dealers and Consumers
Tom Gafford
Jan 7, 2024
At Tekion, we prioritize seamless integration to foster connections and enhance collaboration in the automotive industry. Through Automotive Partner Cloud (APC), we provide an API access platform tailored for approved and certified organizations partnering with our dealers and OEMs. Our focus is on driving innovation and efficiency through uninhibited and seamless connectivity to make data sharing faster and easier than ever, ultimately benefiting automotive consumers. Let’s breakdown APC:
Easy Integration for Maximum Efficiency
Discover, test, and implement APIs effortlessly and immediately with our automated tooling, tailored to adjust to your unique processes. Tekion's commitment to simplicity ensures a smooth integration experience, allowing you to focus on leveraging our technology without the hassle.
Openness and Transparency
Tekion's extensive data is not only a valuable resource for partners, dealers, and OEMs but is also open and easily accessible. Our commitment to transparency creates a collaborative environment where data flows seamlessly, fostering innovation and driving collective success.
Prioritizing Value over Complexity
At Tekion, we prioritize maximizing value for our dealers by allowing their technology partners of any size to jump in and start working right away. Our focus on simplicity ensures a hassle-free partnership, allowing you to concentrate on what matters most – delivering exceptional solutions to the automotive ecosystem.
Built for Developers
Designed to complement and enhance your development workflow, our application adheres to familiar Open API standards. APC is more than a platform; it's a toolkit crafted for developers, empowering you to innovate and create immediately, without a lengthy or costly certification process.
Unleashing Unlimited Possibilities
Tekion's seamless platform, comprising Automotive Retail Cloud (ARC), Automotive Enterprise Cloud (AEC), and Automotive Partner Cloud (APC), eliminates the need for bolt-on technologies. This unified approach opens unlimited possibilities, enhancing user experiences and, most importantly, consumer experiences within the automotive retail space.
Developer-Friendly APIs for the Next Generation
Tekion proudly pioneers the next generation of open APIs, ensuring fast and easy data sharing between you and your providers. Regardless of your requirements, you'll receive modern and clearly documented API specifications, setting the stage for a new era in collaborative innovation.
Preferred Partner Program and Systems Integration Program
Whether you're an established technology provider or a certified systems integration partner, Tekion offers tailored programs to suit your needs. From Premium APIs to API mapping and specialized workflows, our programs provide efficient development processes and extensive integration experience, empowering you to navigate the future of automotive innovation confidently.
Tekion's APC is not just a platform; it's a collaborative ecosystem driving positive change in automotive retail. Join us as we redefine possibilities, foster innovation, and navigate the future together.
Email APCintegrations@tekion.com or click HERE for more information about Automotive Partner Cloud.